Jordan/Icon's Listening Log - 10/01/10 - 16/01/10

Another light week for me, with only 3 new listens. This trend stops this week, most likely, as I've heard two new 2010 albums today, one of which will be upped this tonight, the other later in the week.

5. Massive Attack - Heligoland 10/01/10

I want to love this album; I really do. And maybe I will, when a proper rip comes out. It's the first Massive Attack album in years, more attention needs to be paid to it! If you heard the four song preview of this album that came out late last year, you'll know what to expect. In fact, all four of those songs appear on this album, possibly untouched (I haven't done an AB comparison). Portishead-esque drums and typical Massive Attack production, but it feels a little... flat. The last two tracks, "Saturday Come Slow" and "Atlas Air," may be my favourite tracks.

6. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra & Pierre Boulez - Igor Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemp (The Rite of Spring) 14/01/10

Not my first listen of this piece, but my first listen of this performance. The Rite of Spring was the first piece of classical music that I ever really loved, and this rendition is just as powerful and beautiful as any I've heard. Highly recommended.

7. Nine Horses - Snow Borne Sorrow 14/01/10

Not sure how to describe this one. A mix of jazz and electronic, but not in a trip-hop kinda way. I get Boy Eats Drum Machine vibes from this one, without the chaotic production associated with that act. Listen and decide for yourself.

So, three good-to-great albums. Not bad, eh? But this coming week already promises to be the strongest of the year so far.


luke said...

this new massive attack disc doesn't sound too promising, but after 100th window I can't say I'm surprised. I'm still waiting for a proper rip.

that last album you mentioned sounds intriguing.. I might give it a whirl sometime. most of what I've been listening to has been fairly boring -- the new Album Leaf was alright, Owen Pallett was okay I guess, some other stuff was a 5/10. nothing that really stood out though. I have a hell of a lot of newer stuff to listen to though - the new Electric President, the new Spoon album (never liked these guys that much but I'll listen if only to know what other people are talking about), and.. I dunno, something else I bookmarked.

Jordan said...

Oh yeah, there was a new Album Leaf floating out there!

There hasn't been a whole lot the last few weeks that've held my attention. I mean, I love me some Stravinsky, but that's still only something I'm gonna spin every now and then since classical ain't my thing. The Massive Attack album will get some proper listens once a real rip comes out, but I'll probably drop it soon for Mezzanine. Nine Horses is good stuff, though -- good singer, good production, good stuff. Thank Shaggy for that one!