Jordan/Icon's Listening Log - 01/01/10 - 09/01/10

It was a fairly light week on my end of new listenings this week; this is, most likely, due to the start of school, as well as a couple other interests getting in my way (finished Batman: Arkham Asylum, watching Dexter/Mad Men/Doctor Who). These four albums happen to be, more or less, the only music I listened to this week.

1. Red House Painters – Red House Painters 1st LP (Rollercoaster) 01/01/10

My first listen of the new year. One thing I'd like to do this year is expose myself to artists that I've had an interest in for some time but never really looked at their back catalogue much. Mark Kozelek is one such name. I think I'll try to work through his career chronologically; my only experience with him has been his Sun Kil Moon records which are, for the most part, quite good. This was, unsurprisingly, quite good.

2. Martin Siewert & Martin Brandlmayr – Too Beautiful to Burn 05/01/10

One more thing I'd like to do this year is expand my musical palette. I've always had an interest in ambient/experimental stuff, but only recently have I been trying out new things. Kreng's 2009 album, L'Autopsie Phénoménale De Dieu, was one of my favourites last year. Yes, I know that has nothing to do with Too Beautiful To Burn. I only gave it one listen, but I was impressed. Tense strings, tape hiss and other such noise on display here.

3. A Silver Mt. Zion – Kollaps Tradixionales 08/01/10

"There Is Light" was excellent. I'll save my judgement for later on this record. It may grow on me, but for now I was left unsatisfied.

4. Basia Bulat – Heart of My Own 09/01/10

The most impressive album of my week, I thought. I'll probably blog about it mid-week. This is such a drastic improvement on her first album. The introduction of string sections to more of the songs give this sweeping folk album more momentum than Oh, My Darling and Bulat seems to be more in control of her already powerful voice.

This week I will (probably) include a few of the more impressive songs from these albums over at Brave New Waves, and will most likely listen to the new Massive Attack album which I just didn't have time for yesterday. As for other stuff, who knows!