TombsMix - Funk Psychosis

<a href="">TombsMix - Funkadelia (SIDE A) by Tombs</a>

<a href="">TombsMix - Funkadelia (SIDE B) by Tombs</a>

To celebrate the beautiful union of funk and psychedelia throughout the ages, I put together this weird little mix of stuff new and old. It's kinda trippy, I hope you enjoy it.

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Giggs said...

Everything I've heard from this is awesome, so I'll give this a spin sometime for sure.

And I hate to get all off-topic and shit, but how goes your The Wire experience, Tombs? Haven't seen you mention it in a while, and about a month after I finished it for the first time I was in such need of a fix that I fired season 1 up again, so it's fresh in my mind.

TOMBS said...

Do listen!

The Wire experience is in full effect Giggs. Most days now, I get home from work and do nothing but watch The Wire for hours. It's a healthy addiction, though. I'm about 7 episodes deep into season 4, I think it may be my favourite season so far. Season 3 was brilliant, agreed, but the whole plot in 4 just seems a bit more fluid and gripping.

Snoop has got to be the most genuinely incredible, terrifying, and well-acted character in any tv drama ever, and what's really fucked up is I didn't even realize she was a girl until I looked on the wikipedia page. She's the most gangster person in the whole show though, what the hell.

I'm going to have to watch it all through from the start again as well. Might try and do some massive list ranking the best characters and the best scenes from all seasons, although knowing me i'll probably give up after 5 minutes.

Giggs said...

Yeah man I'm thinking 4 > 3 >> 1 > 5 > 2, though even 2 is still top quality stuff.

And haha, I thought Snoop was a guy too for most of season 4. I never got the whole "jeez, she's fuckin terrifying" vibe that some people did from her but she's an amazing character nonetheless.

Rewatching it there's definitely some fun foreshadowing (seasons in advance, sometimes!) that you miss the first time round. And yeah, I really wanna do a top 50 character list or something after me and Seg's topic is finally done; we could even do that jointly too if you like, though the majority of the lists would be similar, I'd think.