Felix Mendelssohn - Hebrides Overture (Fingal's Cave) (1827)

Artist - Felix Mendelssohn - Hebrides Overture (Fingal's Cave)
Genre - Classical
Release Year - 1827

- Felix Medelssohn, a musical prodigy and synaesthesite, was famously so struck by the strange and ominous rock shapes surrounding his visit to Fingal's Cave that it forced music into his genius little brain and he jotted down a sample of sheet music for it to send in a letter to his sister describing how instense his trip was. And now to describe how intense the Hebrides Overture is, I'm writing a blog entry with a link to a recording of it, because I was so struck by the strange and ominous shapes of it. This internet thing just makes it all come full circle, doesn't it?

(Note: This recording is by the Utah Symphony Orchestra, which to my knowledge has no official artwork - the picture above is actually Fingal's Cave.)



TOMBS said...

Fingal's Cave is amazing, I went there (the island of Staffa) when I was a kid. You can actually go up on the top and walk around. It's a little bit like a smaller, less-tropical version of the place in the pixar film Up, except surrounded by the sea obviously and with Sheep and Puffins thrown in to the mix. There's also a nearby island called Iona which is impressive too. In fact, the whole of the Hebrides is just a fucking mental place. I need to go back there sometime.

This is a nice piece of music by the way. Not quite Vaughan Williams, but nice nonetheless!