Sub Loam - Ohr (2009)

Sub Loam - Ohr
Year: 2009

I'm sorry Boomkat. I'm not one to guard the genre boarder, but there is no way that this album is modern classical. And what the hell is home listening, anyway? That's more of a description, wouldn't you say?

I suppose I should stop talking to (at?) Boomkat and start talking about what this album is, rather than what it isn't. It is the latest release from Cotton Goods, a new ambient label out of the UK that makes gorgeous, handcrafted and limited covers for all of their releases. It is ambient, in that there is very subtle progression among the tape hiss and the drone. It is an EP. It is something to put on right before you go to sleep -- home listening, you might call it. It is quite good.

Albums without voices are possibly the music writer's wet dream. They can allow the writer to say anything s/he wants to with little fear of ruffling any feathers. How can your assertians be wrong? Easily, actually -- hello Boomkat. Or the writer may use several superfluous and exaggerated claims about the album -- hello Boomkat. I refuse to do this. I will, and I suppose am, going to note the following:

- This album is ambient, purely ambient. It is slow and builds to a very subtle climax.
- There are some well-placed found sounds used throughout the album, building a peaceful soundscape that is rarely interrupted.
- Ohr is Hebrew for light, nettle is a type of plant. Knowing this makes the imagery evoked in the track titles ("Nettle Mix", "Undergrown Path", and "Stones, Sunlight, Morning") more apparent and coherent.

My name is Jordan and I hope you enjoy this album.



TOMBS said...

Would you say this is similar to that Tape Loop Orchestra album?

I've been getting more and more into that lately. Good music for listening to while doing work.

Jordan said...

Yeah it is, same label too! They have been putting out some good stuff, or at least the albums that I`ve heard have been good.

TOMBS said...


Oh yeah, Boomkat is the king of inventing new and stupid genre names. Apparently there's something called Funky Grime now. Hahaha.

TOMBS said...

This album cured my hangover.